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The EPI Foundation

Focal Point for the Implementation of the Elephant Protection Initiative and its Objectives

Registered as a charity in England and Wales, and regulated by the Charity Commission, the EPI Foundation is the legal entity charged with supporting the EPI member states to implement their individual and collective commitments to elephant conservation.


The Secretariat is staffed by an Executive Management team of experienced conservationists and overseen by a highly respected Board of Trustees.


Working in coordination with member state governments, their appointed National Focal Points, NGO partners, and the EPI's other structures, the EPI Foundation is at the heart of efforts to protect Africa's elephants.

Meet the Team

Our Board of Trustees

The EPI's Secretariat is overseen by a team of passionate and highly experienced conservationists, bringing together the very best in technical and operational knowledge. Beyond their fiduciary duty, our Trustees provide important guidance in the implementation of the Secretariat's work to support member countries across the continent.

Partner Organisations and Supporters

A number of leading international organisations have pledged themselves to the aims of the Elephant Protection Initiative and work in partnership with the EPI Secretariat to support and implement elephant conservation efforts throughout Africa.

Our  work is supported by leading philanthropic organisations, institutional and private donors. 

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