On World Environment Day June 5th 2017, on a bluff overlooking its iconic Quicama National Park, Angola’s Minister of Environment, Her Excellency Maria de Fátima Jardim, directed the burning of the country’s main ivory stockpile.
Following the closure of its domestic ivory market, the steps taken to develop the Angolan Elephant Action Plan, a successful inventory of state held stocks and initial roll-out of the SMS in 2016, the ceremony was another boost to Angola’s record of conservation progress since joining the EPI at the end of 2015. The stockpile included over 800 pieces of ivory that had been seized by Angola’s Criminal Investigation Service in Luanda in 2017 thus far.
As the one and a quarter tonne pile leapt into flames, the Minister reiterated thsouthern African country’s commitment to stamp out all ivory trade.
The President has signed the EPI, and we are committed as a whole government to do everything we can, including with the Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Interior, to stop the illegal wildlife trade.
- HE Maria de Fátima Jardim, Angola's Minister of Environment
